Terms of Service
Account:- We don't accept any 3rd party btc address that is not your own. resetting an account password or bitcoin address require sufficient proof of ownership. we may ask you several questions in order to provide access. multiple account user will be permanently banned without getting paid of earnings and investment.
Deposit:- Any deposit made to us must be through your account panel otherwise we are not liable for your loss. Altercoin never accept deposit manually unless certain reasonable matter. Our only deposit method is Bitcoin. as we mining only Bitcoin others payment methods is not helpful or related in our operation.
Once you made the deposit it will take time up to 10 network confirmation before showing in your account. Any delay of the confirmation may be held up till next 14 days then fund returned you or lost. You need set a good network fees for smooth transaction.
Earnings:- You will be able to earn an amount that displayed in our home page & your account area. Make sure correct wallet address used. if you mistake in copy paste or wrong address used to create an account contact us before withdrawal. we will update your correct address. As long as your plan activated in account you will see mining or expired plan user earning will stop automatically. To have a continues earning you must be activated with any of our mining plan.
Withdrawal:- Altercoin process every withdrawal instantly through a 3rd party network like Bitcoin. We don't have any control over the Bitcoin margin and network fees. You may receive slight less amount (btc fees) for transaction hash power. Any withdrawal is pending more than usual time that we may check manually and help you cancel or increase hash power. Be sure you wait up to 14 days or automatic decline or confirmed. We can't do anything before the network hash come to 0 level.
Withdraw from your account may not success if your mining plan is expired. You must have at least free plan activated or any paid plan in order to withdraw successfully. This system is built in function and fully automated. we don't have any manual solution for this matter.
Limitation & block:- One account per device/ip address is mandatory. if we suspect anything wrong we may disable/block/permanent close your account without any prior notice. be aware of using your computer. to be safe using a personal computer/device. office or shared network based ip address caused of suspension.
Closing & Refund:- Altercoin does not have any refund policy while you are member in our website. in some reason you may want to get a refund. for such issue we can only refund you by closing your account permanently. after closing account we will refund you TOTAL DEPOSIT-TOTAL WITHDRAWL=Available for refund. this is very important before you opening an account in Altercoin. after a review we will close and send you money back in exactly 180 days. your fund will reach to same address that one used for opening your account.
Recovery:- if you forgot password try to recover first using email address associated in your account. without an email address you need contact us with bitcoin address that is used to create account. for a complex matter contact us through contact form.
Customer support:- Altercoin team available in email address provided in contact page. you should not contact any elsewhere to reach us. social media like Facebook and others platform still not using by altercoin. if any one offer you such hope you may be a victim. social review site like yelp, trustpilot may be our self but still not usable for communication with customers. For update news you can check the link below.
Legal Note:- Some of country not allowed crypto currency. we do not encourage such clients to participate in our platform. You are fully responsible for the asset you invest and earn also keep in your wallet.
Copyright subject:- Altercoin is strictly own by altercoin team. we don't have any others website or mobile app. you are not allowed to modify, change or create new contents using our website content.